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Practical information

The document Practical Information [PDF - 7 Mo] will guide you while preparing your arrival in Fribourg and your contribution to the conference (directions, guidelines for presenters/chairs/poster presenters, internet connection, etc.). 

The conference will take place at:

 University of Fribourg- Universität Freiburg

 Pérolles II campus

 Buildings 21-22
 90, boulevard de Pérolles
 1700 Fribourg

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Dernière m.a.j. le 22 Juil. 2011 - Archivé le 2 Oct. 2015
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Tél. : Site René Descartes (siège) : +33 (0) 4 37 37 60 00 / Site Jacques Monod : +33 (0) 4 72 72 80 00